I am using the histmaker to process signal and background events.
I want to add a new background that I created privately and is therefore not found in the production. How can I add it (p8_ee_llZZ_ecm240_edm4hep.root
stored in my public afs) to the process list?
processList = {
'wzp6_ee_llH_HZZ_llll_ecm240': {'fraction':1}
'wzp6_ee_llH_HZZ_qqll_ecm240': {'fraction':1}
'wzp6_ee_qqH_HZZ_llll_ecm240': {'fraction':1}
The prodTag and procDict I use for the samples from production is
prodTag = "FCCee/winter2023/IDEA/"
procDict = "FCCee_procDict_winter2023_IDEA.json"
I used the pre-edm4hep1
branch from FCCAnalyses.
You can find my code on github .
Thanks a lot for your help!
Hi Sara,
You cannot run private and central samples at the same time, but you can run on your private samples by configuring:
processList = {
'my_private_sample': {'fraction':1, 'crossSection': 0.25792},
inputDir = "<dir_to_local_samples>"
#prodTag = "FCCee/winter2023/IDEA/" # comment this line
This assumes the ROOT files for your private samples are located in dir_to_local_samples/my_private_sample
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Hi @jaeyserm , @saaumill ,
maybe this quick hack can be useful?
← kjvbrt:process-input-dir
opened 05:15PM - 06 Mar 25 UTC
User is now able to provide directory containing the process files, overriding t… he global setting:
processList = {
'p8_ee_ZZ_ecm240': {'fraction': 0.005,
'inputDir': 'my/local/path/without_process_name'},
'p8_ee_WW_ecm240': {'fraction': 0.5, 'chunks': 2},
'p8_ee_ZH_ecm240': {'fraction': 0.2,
'output': 'p8_ee_ZH_ecm240_out'}
The motivation is, to be able to not duplicate analysis scripts.
@jsmiesko This looks like a wonderful solution! Exactly, it would remove duplicated scripts. Thank you for looking into this and coming up with a solution.
Hi @saaumill ,
the PR is now merged into pre-edmhep1
Can you try using the feature?
Hi @jsmiesko
Yes, I can use the “inputDir” option now!
Thanks a lot for your help, I highly appreciate it.