(ttbar + W/Z) background with cms =100 Tev pp collisions

Dear all,

Would you please let me know if there is any repository that top-pair + w/z production processes are produced as backgrounds with FCChh and center of mass energy 100TeV? and if yes how can I have access to those root files?

Thanks in advance,

Dear Safura,

see this page for a list of events produced for FCC-hh: http://fcc-physics-events.web.cern.ch/fcc-physics-events/FCChh/Delphesevents_fcc_v04.php
The paths of the files on eos are listed there as well.

Older productions are larger, but are not in edm4hep format so would have to be converted or rerun.

Dear Valentin,

Perfect! Thank you so much.
I have another question and I would appreciate it if you could help me.
I am trying to add the following cuts on the generated signal root file:

1)At least two anti- k_T jets with cone parameter ΔR = 0.5 and kinematic cuts: eta < 2.5 and p_T > 1000GeV.
2) At least one muon with pT > 200GeV contained within a ΔR = 0.5 cone centered around one of the leading two jets
3)Events with at least one isolated lepton with pT > 35GeV and eta < 2.5 are rejected. The isolation criterion demands the total pT of all particles within a ΔR < 0.5 cone around the lepton to be less than 10% of its pT.
4)Δϕ_ET_J > 1.0, where Δϕ_ET_J is the smallest Δϕ between ET and any jet with pT > 200 GeV and eta< 2.5.
5)ET > 4TeV

What I could write down in the “analysis_stage1” according to the mentioned cuts are:

.Alias(“Muon0”, “Muon#0.index”)
.Define(“RP_px”, “ReconstructedParticle::get_px(ReconstructedParticles)”)
.Define(“RP_py”, “ReconstructedParticle::get_py(ReconstructedParticles)”)
.Define(“RP_pz”, “ReconstructedParticle::get_pz(ReconstructedParticles)”)
.Define(“RP_e”, “ReconstructedParticle::get_e(ReconstructedParticles)”)
.Define(“RP_m”, “ReconstructedParticle::get_mass(ReconstructedParticles)”)
.Define(“pseudo_jets”, “JetClusteringUtils::set_pseudoJets(RP_px, RP_py, RP_pz, RP_e)”)
.Define(“FCCAnalysesJets_antikt”, “JetClustering::clustering_antikt(0.5, 0, 0, 0, 1)(pseudo_jets)”)
.Define(“jets_antikt”, “JetClusteringUtils::get_pseudoJets(FCCAnalysesJets_antikt)”)
.Define(“selected_Jets_pt”, “JetClusteringUtils::get_pt(jets_antikt)”)
.Define(“selected_Jets_eta”, “JetClusteringUtils::get_eta(jets_antikt)”)
.Define(“met”, “ReconstructedParticle::sel_pt(4000.)(MissingET)”)
.Define(“selected_met”, “ReconstructedParticle::get_pt(met)”)

But I’m not sure if I wrote the right cuts or not. Would you please advise me on this? Thank you so much in advance.

Best regards,

I would be grateful if anyone could help me in this matter.

Hi Safura,

the scope of your question may be a bit to broad for this forum. I’d suggest for you to open a PR that adds your analysis to FCCAnalyses/examples/FCChh at master · HEP-FCC/FCCAnalyses · GitHub, then someone can more easily check it for technical correctness.

Dear Valentin

I’ve added my analysis to the following repository applying cuts on the root file in the analysis_stage1.py by safurasadeghi · Pull Request #233 · HEP-FCC/FCCAnalyses · GitHub.
Sorry I am not so familiar with adding a file in such an environment. I am not sure if I added it correctly. I couldn’t also create a folder to add extra information such as the Yaml files.

Ps: How can I know that I receive a response from an expert?