Would you please let me know if there is any repository that top-pair + w/z production processes are produced as backgrounds with FCChh and center of mass energy 100TeV? and if yes how can I have access to those root files?
Perfect! Thank you so much.
I have another question and I would appreciate it if you could help me.
I am trying to add the following cuts on the generated signal root file:
1)At least two anti- k_T jets with cone parameter ΔR = 0.5 and kinematic cuts: eta < 2.5 and p_T > 1000GeV.
2) At least one muon with pT > 200GeV contained within a ΔR = 0.5 cone centered around one of the leading two jets
3)Events with at least one isolated lepton with pT > 35GeV and eta < 2.5 are rejected. The isolation criterion demands the total pT of all particles within a ΔR < 0.5 cone around the lepton to be less than 10% of its pT.
4)Δϕ_ET_J > 1.0, where Δϕ_ET_J is the smallest Δϕ between ET and any jet with pT > 200 GeV and eta< 2.5.
5)ET > 4TeV
What I could write down in the “analysis_stage1” according to the mentioned cuts are:
the scope of your question may be a bit to broad for this forum. I’d suggest for you to open a PR that adds your analysis to FCCAnalyses/examples/FCChh at master · HEP-FCC/FCCAnalyses · GitHub, then someone can more easily check it for technical correctness.