Struggling to build an old version of the stack

I am trying to rebuild my analysis as it was when I originally wrote it, I use the following instructions

source /cvmfs/
export PATH=${LOCAL_DIR}/bin:${PATH}
export ONNXRUNTIME_ROOT_DIR=`python -c "import onnxruntime; print(onnxruntime.__path__[0]+'/../../../..')"`
mkdir build install
cd build
cmake .. -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=../install
make install

But I get the errors in the attached file

mkdir: cannot create directory 'build': File exists
mkdir: cannot create directory 'install': File exists
-- C++ standard: 17
-- Found Python: /cvmfs/ (found version "3.9.12") found components: Interpreter 
-- found Acts version 19.6.0 commit 333082914
-- loading components:
--   Core
-- Including DD4hepBuild.cmake
-- DD4hep uses Geant4
-- Found XercesC: /cvmfs/ (found suitable version "3.2.3", minimum required is "3.2.3") 
-- Found XercesC: /cvmfs/ (found version "3.2.3") 
-- Found Python: /cvmfs/ (found suitable exact version "3.9.12") found components: Development Development.Module Development.Embed 
-- |++> Using python executable:  /cvmfs/
-- DD4hep uses LCIO
-- Check for LCIO (2.19.0)
-- Check for LCIO_LIBRARIES: lcio
-- Check for LCIO_LCIO_LIBRARY: /cvmfs/ -- ok
-- includes-------------------------- fastjet: /cvmfs/
-- includes-------------------------- onnxruntime: /cvmfs/
-- add-ons--------------------------- FastJet;ONNXRuntime
-- includes-------------------------- dataframe edm4hep: 
-- includes-------------------------- dataframe podio  : /cvmfs/
-- includes headers FCCAnalyses/Algorithms.h;FCCAnalyses/CaloNtupleizer.h;FCCAnalyses/JetClusteringUtils.h;FCCAnalyses/JetConstituentsUtils.h;FCCAnalyses/JetFlavourUtils.h;FCCAnalyses/JetTaggingUtils.h;FCCAnalyses/LinkDef.h;FCCAnalyses/MCParticle.h;FCCAnalyses/ReconstructedParticle.h;FCCAnalyses/ReconstructedParticle2MC.h;FCCAnalyses/ReconstructedParticle2Track.h;FCCAnalyses/SmearObjects.h;FCCAnalyses/Smearing.h;FCCAnalyses/Utils.h;FCCAnalyses/VertexFinderActs.h;FCCAnalyses/VertexFinderLCFIPlus.h;FCCAnalyses/VertexFitterActs.h;FCCAnalyses/VertexFitterSimple.h;FCCAnalyses/VertexingUtils.h;FCCAnalyses/WeaverUtils.h;FCCAnalyses/dummyLoader.h;FCCAnalyses/myFinalSel.h;FCCAnalyses/myUtils.h
-- includes sources /storage/epp2/phutmn/FCC_fix_cmake/FCCAnalyses/analyzers/dataframe/src/;/storage/epp2/phutmn/FCC_fix_cmake/FCCAnalyses/analyzers/dataframe/src/;/storage/epp2/phutmn/FCC_fix_cmake/FCCAnalyses/analyzers/dataframe/src/;/storage/epp2/phutmn/FCC_fix_cmake/FCCAnalyses/analyzers/dataframe/src/;/storage/epp2/phutmn/FCC_fix_cmake/FCCAnalyses/analyzers/dataframe/src/;/storage/epp2/phutmn/FCC_fix_cmake/FCCAnalyses/analyzers/dataframe/src/;/storage/epp2/phutmn/FCC_fix_cmake/FCCAnalyses/analyzers/dataframe/src/;/storage/epp2/phutmn/FCC_fix_cmake/FCCAnalyses/analyzers/dataframe/src/;/storage/epp2/phutmn/FCC_fix_cmake/FCCAnalyses/analyzers/dataframe/src/;/storage/epp2/phutmn/FCC_fix_cmake/FCCAnalyses/analyzers/dataframe/src/;/storage/epp2/phutmn/FCC_fix_cmake/FCCAnalyses/analyzers/dataframe/src/;/storage/epp2/phutmn/FCC_fix_cmake/FCCAnalyses/analyzers/dataframe/src/;/storage/epp2/phutmn/FCC_fix_cmake/FCCAnalyses/analyzers/dataframe/src/;/storage/epp2/phutmn/FCC_fix_cmake/FCCAnalyses/analyzers/dataframe/src/;/storage/epp2/phutmn/FCC_fix_cmake/FCCAnalyses/analyzers/dataframe/src/;/storage/epp2/phutmn/FCC_fix_cmake/FCCAnalyses/analyzers/dataframe/src/;/storage/epp2/phutmn/FCC_fix_cmake/FCCAnalyses/analyzers/dataframe/src/;/storage/epp2/phutmn/FCC_fix_cmake/FCCAnalyses/analyzers/dataframe/src/;/storage/epp2/phutmn/FCC_fix_cmake/FCCAnalyses/analyzers/dataframe/src/;/storage/epp2/phutmn/FCC_fix_cmake/FCCAnalyses/analyzers/dataframe/src/;/storage/epp2/phutmn/FCC_fix_cmake/FCCAnalyses/analyzers/dataframe/src/
-- CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR  /storage/epp2/phutmn/FCC_fix_cmake/FCCAnalyses/analyzers/dataframe
-- analysis-------------------------- analysis_example: FCCAnalysis_analysis_example
-- Configuring done
-- Generating done
-- Build files have been written to: /storage/epp2/phutmn/FCC_fix_cmake/FCCAnalyses/build
Consolidate compiler generated dependencies of target FastJet
[  8%] Built target FastJet
Consolidate compiler generated dependencies of target ONNXRuntime
[ 15%] Built target ONNXRuntime
[ 17%] Generating G__FCCAnalyses.cxx, libFCCAnalyses_rdict.pcm, libFCCAnalyses.rootmap
In file included from input_line_3:2:
In file included from /cvmfs/
In file included from /cvmfs/
In file included from /cvmfs/
In file included from /cvmfs/
/cvmfs/ error: unknown type name '__BEGIN_NAMESPACE_C99'
/cvmfs/ error: expected ';' after top level declarator
typedef __mbstate_t mbstate_t;
/cvmfs/ error: unknown type name '__END_NAMESPACE_C99'
/cvmfs/ error: unknown type name 'mbstate_t'
/cvmfs/ error: expected ';' after top level declarator
/cvmfs/ error: unknown type name '__BEGIN_NAMESPACE_STD'
/cvmfs/ error: unknown type name '__END_NAMESPACE_STD'
/cvmfs/ error: expected function body after function declarator
/cvmfs/ error: unknown type name '__END_NAMESPACE_STD'
/cvmfs/ fatal error: 'xlocale.h' file not found
# include <xlocale.h>
In file included from input_line_4:2:
In file included from /cvmfs/
In file included from /cvmfs/
In file included from /cvmfs/
In file included from /cvmfs/
/cvmfs/ error: typedef redefinition with different types ('struct max_align_t' vs 'struct max_align_t')
} max_align_t;
/cvmfs/ note: '/cvmfs/' included multiple times, additional include site here
#include "__stddef_max_align_t.h"
/cvmfs/ note: '/cvmfs/' included multiple times, additional include site here
#include "__stddef_max_align_t.h"
/cvmfs/ note: unguarded header; consider using #ifdef guards or #pragma once
} max_align_t;
In file included from input_line_4:2:
In file included from /cvmfs/
In file included from /cvmfs/
/cvmfs/ error: redefinition of 'byte'
  enum class byte : unsigned char {};
/cvmfs/ note: '/cvmfs/' included multiple times, additional include site here
#include <cstddef> // size_t, NULL
/cvmfs/ note: '/cvmfs/' included multiple times, additional include site here
#include <cstddef> // size_t, NULL
/cvmfs/ note: unguarded header; consider using #ifdef guards or #pragma once
  enum class byte : unsigned char {};
In file included from input_line_4:2:
In file included from /cvmfs/
In file included from /cvmfs/
/cvmfs/ error: redefinition of '__byte_operand'
  template<typename _IntegerType> struct __byte_operand { };
/cvmfs/ note: previous definition is here
  template<typename _IntegerType> struct __byte_operand { };
In file included from input_line_4:2:
In file included from /cvmfs/
In file included from /cvmfs/
/cvmfs/ error: redefinition of 'operator<<'
    operator<<(byte __b, _IntegerType __shift) noexcept
/cvmfs/ note: previous definition is here
    operator<<(byte __b, _IntegerType __shift) noexcept
In file included from input_line_4:2:
In file included from /cvmfs/
In file included from /cvmfs/
/cvmfs/ error: redefinition of 'operator>>'
    operator>>(byte __b, _IntegerType __shift) noexcept
/cvmfs/ note: previous definition is here
    operator>>(byte __b, _IntegerType __shift) noexcept
In file included from input_line_4:2:
In file included from /cvmfs/
In file included from /cvmfs/
/cvmfs/ error: redefinition of 'operator|'
  operator|(byte __l, byte __r) noexcept
/cvmfs/ note: previous definition is here
  operator|(byte __l, byte __r) noexcept
In file included from input_line_4:2:
In file included from /cvmfs/
In file included from /cvmfs/
/cvmfs/ error: redefinition of 'operator&'
  operator&(byte __l, byte __r) noexcept
/cvmfs/ note: previous definition is here
  operator&(byte __l, byte __r) noexcept
In file included from input_line_4:2:
In file included from /cvmfs/
In file included from /cvmfs/
/cvmfs/ error: redefinition of 'operator^'
  operator^(byte __l, byte __r) noexcept
/cvmfs/ note: previous definition is here
  operator^(byte __l, byte __r) noexcept
In file included from input_line_4:2:
In file included from /cvmfs/
In file included from /cvmfs/
/cvmfs/ error: redefinition of 'operator~'
  operator~(byte __b) noexcept
/cvmfs/ note: previous definition is here
  operator~(byte __b) noexcept
In file included from input_line_4:2:
In file included from /cvmfs/
In file included from /cvmfs/
/cvmfs/ error: redefinition of 'operator<<='
    operator<<=(byte& __b, _IntegerType __shift) noexcept
/cvmfs/ note: previous definition is here
    operator<<=(byte& __b, _IntegerType __shift) noexcept
In file included from input_line_4:2:
In file included from /cvmfs/
In file included from /cvmfs/
/cvmfs/ error: redefinition of 'operator>>='
    operator>>=(byte& __b, _IntegerType __shift) noexcept
/cvmfs/ note: previous definition is here
    operator>>=(byte& __b, _IntegerType __shift) noexcept
In file included from input_line_4:2:
In file included from /cvmfs/
In file included from /cvmfs/
/cvmfs/ error: redefinition of 'operator|='
  operator|=(byte& __l, byte __r) noexcept
/cvmfs/ note: previous definition is here
  operator|=(byte& __l, byte __r) noexcept
In file included from input_line_4:2:
In file included from /cvmfs/
In file included from /cvmfs/
/cvmfs/ error: redefinition of 'operator&='
  operator&=(byte& __l, byte __r) noexcept
/cvmfs/ note: previous definition is here
  operator&=(byte& __l, byte __r) noexcept
In file included from input_line_4:2:
In file included from /cvmfs/
In file included from /cvmfs/
/cvmfs/ error: redefinition of 'operator^='
  operator^=(byte& __l, byte __r) noexcept
/cvmfs/ note: previous definition is here
  operator^=(byte& __l, byte __r) noexcept
In file included from input_line_4:2:
In file included from /cvmfs/
In file included from /cvmfs/
/cvmfs/ error: redefinition of 'to_integer'
    to_integer(__byte_op_t<_IntegerType> __b) noexcept
/cvmfs/ note: previous definition is here
    to_integer(__byte_op_t<_IntegerType> __b) noexcept
In file included from input_line_4:2:
In file included from /cvmfs/
/cvmfs/ error: redefinition of 'kTRUE'
const Bool_t    kTRUE        = true;
note: '/cvmfs/' included multiple times, additional include site here
fatal error: cannot open file 'input_line_3': No such file or directory
/cvmfs/ note: '/cvmfs/' included multiple times, additional include site here
#include "RtypesCore.h"
/cvmfs/ note: unguarded header; consider using #ifdef guards or #pragma once
const Bool_t    kTRUE        = true;
Error: Error loading the default rootcling header files.
make[2]: *** [analyzers/dataframe/CMakeFiles/G__FCCAnalyses.dir/build.make:119: analyzers/dataframe/G__FCCAnalyses.cxx] Error 1
make[1]: *** [CMakeFiles/Makefile2:1114: analyzers/dataframe/CMakeFiles/G__FCCAnalyses.dir/all] Error 2
make: *** [Makefile:146: all] Error 2

I can’t use a newer stack as for some reason the vertexing completely breaks


Can you first try to build from scratch, i.e. remove the build and install directories?


Hi, one thing I forgot to mention is I checkout an old version of the code as well since this is before whatever changed to break the vertexing. So before the instructions above I do git checkout 85d70c43008d6f13fef7c26d2d7ff11550da9ba1

Then if I follow all those steps with a fresh copy I get

-- The CXX compiler identification is GNU 11.2.0
-- Detecting CXX compiler ABI info
-- Detecting CXX compiler ABI info - done
-- Check for working CXX compiler: /cvmfs/ - skipped
-- Detecting CXX compile features
-- Detecting CXX compile features - done
-- C++ standard: 17
-- Found nlohmann_json: /cvmfs/ (found suitable version "3.10.5", minimum required is "3.10.5") 
-- Found Python: /cvmfs/ (found version "3.9.12") found components: Interpreter 
-- Found SIO: /cvmfs/  
-- Found podio: /cvmfs/  
-- Found EDM4HEP: /cvmfs/  
-- Found FastJet: /cvmfs/  
-- found Acts version 19.6.0 commit 333082914
-- loading components:
--   Core
-- Including DD4hepBuild.cmake
-- Found Boost: /cvmfs/ (found version "1.79.0")  
-- DD4hep uses Geant4
-- Found EXPAT: /cvmfs/ (found suitable version "2.4.8", minimum required is "2.4.8") 
-- Found ZLIB: /cvmfs/ (found suitable version "1.2.12", minimum required is "1.2.12") 
-- Looking for C++ include pthread.h
-- Looking for C++ include pthread.h - found
-- Performing Test CMAKE_HAVE_LIBC_PTHREAD - Success
-- Found Threads: TRUE  
-- Found XercesC: /cvmfs/ (found suitable version "3.2.3", minimum required is "3.2.3") 
-- Found XercesC: /cvmfs/ (found version "3.2.3") 
-- Found OpenGL: /usr/lib64/   
-- Found Geant4: /cvmfs/ (found suitable version "11.0.2", minimum required is "10.2.2") 
-- Found Python: /cvmfs/ (found suitable exact version "3.9.12") found components: Development Development.Module Development.Embed 
-- |++> Using python executable:  /cvmfs/
-- DD4hep uses LCIO
-- Check for LCIO (2.19.0)
-- Check for LCIO_LIBRARIES: lcio
-- Check for LCIO_LCIO_LIBRARY: /cvmfs/ -- ok
-- Found LCIO: /cvmfs/  
-- Found DD4hep: /cvmfs/  
-- Getting test input files
-- Test input files stored in /storage/epp2/phutmn/FCC_forum/FCCAnalyses/build/test_input_data_qxSKlQBz
-- includes-------------------------- fastjet: /cvmfs/
-- includes-------------------------- onnxruntime: /cvmfs/
-- add-ons--------------------------- FastJet;ONNXRuntime
-- Found Vdt: /cvmfs/ (found version "0.4") 
-- includes-------------------------- dataframe edm4hep: 
-- includes-------------------------- dataframe podio  : /cvmfs/
-- includes headers FCCAnalyses/Algorithms.h;FCCAnalyses/CaloNtupleizer.h;FCCAnalyses/JetClusteringUtils.h;FCCAnalyses/JetConstituentsUtils.h;FCCAnalyses/JetFlavourUtils.h;FCCAnalyses/JetTaggingUtils.h;FCCAnalyses/LinkDef.h;FCCAnalyses/MCParticle.h;FCCAnalyses/ReconstructedParticle.h;FCCAnalyses/ReconstructedParticle2MC.h;FCCAnalyses/ReconstructedParticle2Track.h;FCCAnalyses/SmearObjects.h;FCCAnalyses/Smearing.h;FCCAnalyses/Utils.h;FCCAnalyses/VertexFinderActs.h;FCCAnalyses/VertexFinderLCFIPlus.h;FCCAnalyses/VertexFitterActs.h;FCCAnalyses/VertexFitterSimple.h;FCCAnalyses/VertexingUtils.h;FCCAnalyses/WeaverUtils.h;FCCAnalyses/dummyLoader.h;FCCAnalyses/myFinalSel.h;FCCAnalyses/myUtils.h
-- includes sources /storage/epp2/phutmn/FCC_forum/FCCAnalyses/analyzers/dataframe/src/;/storage/epp2/phutmn/FCC_forum/FCCAnalyses/analyzers/dataframe/src/;/storage/epp2/phutmn/FCC_forum/FCCAnalyses/analyzers/dataframe/src/;/storage/epp2/phutmn/FCC_forum/FCCAnalyses/analyzers/dataframe/src/;/storage/epp2/phutmn/FCC_forum/FCCAnalyses/analyzers/dataframe/src/;/storage/epp2/phutmn/FCC_forum/FCCAnalyses/analyzers/dataframe/src/;/storage/epp2/phutmn/FCC_forum/FCCAnalyses/analyzers/dataframe/src/;/storage/epp2/phutmn/FCC_forum/FCCAnalyses/analyzers/dataframe/src/;/storage/epp2/phutmn/FCC_forum/FCCAnalyses/analyzers/dataframe/src/;/storage/epp2/phutmn/FCC_forum/FCCAnalyses/analyzers/dataframe/src/;/storage/epp2/phutmn/FCC_forum/FCCAnalyses/analyzers/dataframe/src/;/storage/epp2/phutmn/FCC_forum/FCCAnalyses/analyzers/dataframe/src/;/storage/epp2/phutmn/FCC_forum/FCCAnalyses/analyzers/dataframe/src/;/storage/epp2/phutmn/FCC_forum/FCCAnalyses/analyzers/dataframe/src/;/storage/epp2/phutmn/FCC_forum/FCCAnalyses/analyzers/dataframe/src/;/storage/epp2/phutmn/FCC_forum/FCCAnalyses/analyzers/dataframe/src/;/storage/epp2/phutmn/FCC_forum/FCCAnalyses/analyzers/dataframe/src/;/storage/epp2/phutmn/FCC_forum/FCCAnalyses/analyzers/dataframe/src/;/storage/epp2/phutmn/FCC_forum/FCCAnalyses/analyzers/dataframe/src/;/storage/epp2/phutmn/FCC_forum/FCCAnalyses/analyzers/dataframe/src/;/storage/epp2/phutmn/FCC_forum/FCCAnalyses/analyzers/dataframe/src/
-- CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR  /storage/epp2/phutmn/FCC_forum/FCCAnalyses/analyzers/dataframe
-- analysis-------------------------- analysis_example: FCCAnalysis_analysis_example
-- Found Doxygen: /cvmfs/ (found version "1.9.3 (6518ff3d24ad187b7072bee854d69e285cd366ea*)") found components: doxygen dot 
-- Configuring done
-- Generating done
-- Build files have been written to: /storage/epp2/phutmn/FCC_forum/FCCAnalyses/build
[  2%] Building CXX object addons/FastJet/CMakeFiles/FastJet.dir/src/
[  4%] Building CXX object addons/FastJet/CMakeFiles/FastJet.dir/src/
[  6%] Building CXX object addons/FastJet/CMakeFiles/FastJet.dir/src/
[  8%] Linking CXX shared library
[  8%] Built target FastJet
[ 11%] Building CXX object addons/ONNXRuntime/CMakeFiles/ONNXRuntime.dir/src/
[ 13%] Building CXX object addons/ONNXRuntime/CMakeFiles/ONNXRuntime.dir/src/
[ 15%] Linking CXX shared library
[ 15%] Built target ONNXRuntime
[ 17%] Generating G__FCCAnalyses.cxx, libFCCAnalyses_rdict.pcm, libFCCAnalyses.rootmap
In file included from input_line_3:2:
In file included from /cvmfs/
In file included from /cvmfs/
In file included from /cvmfs/
In file included from /cvmfs/
/cvmfs/ error: unknown type name '__BEGIN_NAMESPACE_C99'
/cvmfs/ error: expected ';' after top level declarator
typedef __mbstate_t mbstate_t;
/cvmfs/ error: unknown type name '__END_NAMESPACE_C99'
/cvmfs/ error: unknown type name 'mbstate_t'
/cvmfs/ error: expected ';' after top level declarator
/cvmfs/ error: unknown type name '__BEGIN_NAMESPACE_STD'
/cvmfs/ error: unknown type name '__END_NAMESPACE_STD'
/cvmfs/ error: expected function body after function declarator
/cvmfs/ error: unknown type name '__END_NAMESPACE_STD'
/cvmfs/ fatal error: 'xlocale.h' file not found
# include <xlocale.h>
In file included from input_line_4:2:
In file included from /cvmfs/
In file included from /cvmfs/
In file included from /cvmfs/
In file included from /cvmfs/
/cvmfs/ error: typedef redefinition with different types ('struct max_align_t' vs 'struct max_align_t')
} max_align_t;
/cvmfs/ note: '/cvmfs/' included multiple times, additional include site here
#include "__stddef_max_align_t.h"
/cvmfs/ note: '/cvmfs/' included multiple times, additional include site here
#include "__stddef_max_align_t.h"
/cvmfs/ note: unguarded header; consider using #ifdef guards or #pragma once
} max_align_t;
In file included from input_line_4:2:
In file included from /cvmfs/
In file included from /cvmfs/
/cvmfs/ error: redefinition of 'byte'
  enum class byte : unsigned char {};
/cvmfs/ note: '/cvmfs/' included multiple times, additional include site here
#include <cstddef> // size_t, NULL
/cvmfs/ note: '/cvmfs/' included multiple times, additional include site here
#include <cstddef> // size_t, NULL
/cvmfs/ note: unguarded header; consider using #ifdef guards or #pragma once
  enum class byte : unsigned char {};
In file included from input_line_4:2:
In file included from /cvmfs/
In file included from /cvmfs/
/cvmfs/ error: redefinition of '__byte_operand'
  template<typename _IntegerType> struct __byte_operand { };
/cvmfs/ note: previous definition is here
  template<typename _IntegerType> struct __byte_operand { };
In file included from input_line_4:2:
In file included from /cvmfs/
In file included from /cvmfs/
/cvmfs/ error: redefinition of 'operator<<'
    operator<<(byte __b, _IntegerType __shift) noexcept
/cvmfs/ note: previous definition is here
    operator<<(byte __b, _IntegerType __shift) noexcept
In file included from input_line_4:2:
In file included from /cvmfs/
In file included from /cvmfs/
/cvmfs/ error: redefinition of 'operator>>'
    operator>>(byte __b, _IntegerType __shift) noexcept
/cvmfs/ note: previous definition is here
    operator>>(byte __b, _IntegerType __shift) noexcept
In file included from input_line_4:2:
In file included from /cvmfs/
In file included from /cvmfs/
/cvmfs/ error: redefinition of 'operator|'
  operator|(byte __l, byte __r) noexcept
/cvmfs/ note: previous definition is here
  operator|(byte __l, byte __r) noexcept
In file included from input_line_4:2:
In file included from /cvmfs/
In file included from /cvmfs/
/cvmfs/ error: redefinition of 'operator&'
  operator&(byte __l, byte __r) noexcept
/cvmfs/ note: previous definition is here
  operator&(byte __l, byte __r) noexcept
In file included from input_line_4:2:
In file included from /cvmfs/
In file included from /cvmfs/
/cvmfs/ error: redefinition of 'operator^'
  operator^(byte __l, byte __r) noexcept
/cvmfs/ note: previous definition is here
  operator^(byte __l, byte __r) noexcept
In file included from input_line_4:2:
In file included from /cvmfs/
In file included from /cvmfs/
/cvmfs/ error: redefinition of 'operator~'
  operator~(byte __b) noexcept
/cvmfs/ note: previous definition is here
  operator~(byte __b) noexcept
In file included from input_line_4:2:
In file included from /cvmfs/
In file included from /cvmfs/
/cvmfs/ error: redefinition of 'operator<<='
    operator<<=(byte& __b, _IntegerType __shift) noexcept
/cvmfs/ note: previous definition is here
    operator<<=(byte& __b, _IntegerType __shift) noexcept
In file included from input_line_4:2:
In file included from /cvmfs/
In file included from /cvmfs/
/cvmfs/ error: redefinition of 'operator>>='
    operator>>=(byte& __b, _IntegerType __shift) noexcept
/cvmfs/ note: previous definition is here
    operator>>=(byte& __b, _IntegerType __shift) noexcept
In file included from input_line_4:2:
In file included from /cvmfs/
In file included from /cvmfs/
/cvmfs/ error: redefinition of 'operator|='
  operator|=(byte& __l, byte __r) noexcept
/cvmfs/ note: previous definition is here
  operator|=(byte& __l, byte __r) noexcept
In file included from input_line_4:2:
In file included from /cvmfs/
In file included from /cvmfs/
/cvmfs/ error: redefinition of 'operator&='
  operator&=(byte& __l, byte __r) noexcept
/cvmfs/ note: previous definition is here
  operator&=(byte& __l, byte __r) noexcept
In file included from input_line_4:2:
In file included from /cvmfs/
In file included from /cvmfs/
/cvmfs/ error: redefinition of 'operator^='
  operator^=(byte& __l, byte __r) noexcept
/cvmfs/ note: previous definition is here
  operator^=(byte& __l, byte __r) noexcept
In file included from input_line_4:2:
In file included from /cvmfs/
In file included from /cvmfs/
/cvmfs/ error: redefinition of 'to_integer'
    to_integer(__byte_op_t<_IntegerType> __b) noexcept
/cvmfs/ note: previous definition is here
    to_integer(__byte_op_t<_IntegerType> __b) noexcept
In file included from input_line_4:2:
In file included from /cvmfs/
/cvmfs/ error: redefinition of 'kTRUE'
const Bool_t    kTRUE        = true;
note: '/cvmfs/' included multiple times, additional include site here
fatal error: cannot open file 'input_line_3': No such file or directory
/cvmfs/ note: '/cvmfs/' included multiple times, additional include site here
#include "RtypesCore.h"
/cvmfs/ note: unguarded header; consider using #ifdef guards or #pragma once
const Bool_t    kTRUE        = true;
Error: Error loading the default rootcling header files.
make[2]: *** [analyzers/dataframe/CMakeFiles/G__FCCAnalyses.dir/build.make:119: analyzers/dataframe/G__FCCAnalyses.cxx] Error 1
make[1]: *** [CMakeFiles/Makefile2:1114: analyzers/dataframe/CMakeFiles/G__FCCAnalyses.dir/all] Error 2
make: *** [Makefile:146: all] Error 2

Is there a way to try build with a different g++ version? If I build in a singularity container it builds okay but I lose access to my cluster and other features so it’s not ideal.