Resonance Builder

Hello everyone,

I am trying to reconstruct the HZZ to 4l. I know the “resonanceBuilder” function found in:

can get the 2 leptons that make the resonant Z.

What would I do if I want to get the rest of the reconstructed particles by removing the ones outputed “resonanceBuilder” so I can reconstruct the off-shell Z?

I tried 'ReconstructedParticle::remove() but it didn’t work.


You need to know which leptons are selected by the resonanceBuilder algorithm. Unfortunately this function does not return it.

For the Higgs mass analysis I wrote a similar function that returns the selected leptons from the resonance builder. Have a look at:

It returns 3 ReconstructerdParticle objects: the Z resonance, the first and second selected lepton. You can use then these two leptons with the remove() function.

The resonanceBuilder_mass_recoil a more advanced resonance builder where you also have the constraint on the recoil in the second argument (125). To mimic the simple resonance builder, you can do:

resonanceBuilder_mass_recoil(91, 0, 0, 240, false)


Thank you @jaeyserm !

I think what I need is just part of this code.

Best regards,