Question on jet reconstruction in FCCAnalysis software

Dear all,

I have been trying to update some scripts to run on FCC samples using the FCCAnalysis, and I have some questions on the “recommended” way to access jets (say if I just wanted reco-level antikt jets). I have been trying to look at some of the FCCee examples but am worried I am over-complicating this.

To be more explicit- I have been looking at this code:

And am trying to port it over to the latest conventions- some of the functions seem to have changed.
If you also have links/documentation for b- and c- tagging that would be great :slight_smile:

Thanks in advance,

Sarah Williams

Dear Sarah,

It looks like this topic slipped through the cracks. If it is still relevant, you can see how to perform jet clustering and apply the tagger inference on those jets here: FCCAnalyses/examples/FCCee/smearing/ at master · HEP-FCC/FCCAnalyses · GitHub . Another useful set of examples can be found in the tutorials: FCCAnalyses/examples/FCCee/smearing/ at master · HEP-FCC/FCCAnalyses · GitHub .

Hope this still helps, if not you, maybe someone else.
