Problem with

I wanted this morning to run using the usual process, but when I try source it says that that there is no such file at /cvmfs/
I checked and indeed I do not have access to the file any more. It worked fine until yesterday. Did something change in the meantime or am I doing something wrong ?

Thanks in advance,


Dear Mariette,
The file is there and seems to work fine:

lxplus723:~ $ source /cvmfs/
Setting up the latest Key4HEP software stack from CVMFS ...
 ...  Key4HEP release: key4hep-stack/2021-06-04
 ... Use the following command to reproduce the current environment:
         source /cvmfs/
 ... done.
lxplus723:~ $

Can you post the error messages that you get?

G Ganis

I don’t think it’s an error related to the script, it’s just that on some machines the sft and hsf cvmfs are not visible. Could you share that machine ID so that we could open a ticket?

Yes, when I change for a different machine the problem is not there anymore, thank you. The machine ID with the problem was the 788.

Very good! thanks for providing the machine ID