Problem with FCCAnalysis

Dear all,
This morning with Giovanni Marchiori we started with the simulation of events with Pythia+Delphes and then the analysis using FCCAnalysis and there was no problem.
However, when we started doing simulations this afternoon, a lot of errors occurred in the generation, of the type :
Error in cling::AutoLoadingVisitor::InsertIntoAutoLoadingState:
Missing FileEntry for classes/DelphesModule.h
requested to autoload type DelphesModule

The generation went through anyway, but there was no way to run the file afterwards. When trying to compile with :

mkdir build install
cd build
cmake … -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=…/install
make install

in FCCAnalysis, we get the following errors :

CMake Error in analyzers/dataframe/CMakeLists.txt:
The compiler feature “cxx_std_17” is not known to CXX compiler
version 4.8.5.
CMake Generate step failed. Build files cannot be regenerated correctly.

Has there been any changes in the setup during the course of the day ?
Thanks in advance,
Mariette Jolly

Dear Mariette,

The error that you got is due to the fact that you are picking up the default compiler form the system, gcc 4.8.5, which is too old and not supported.
How do you initialize your enviroment? Did you source the script?
The following

$ gcc -v

should give something like this:

Thread model: posix
gcc version 8.3.0 (Spack GCC)

G Ganis

Just to say that there was a lot of problems with the release deployement on the IT side, so if you are setting up the latest one (as in FCCAnalyses I believe). So this is possibly just a transient problem.

You should be able to compile by using this release.

source /cvmfs/
source /cvmfs/

So bottom line, when using the latest release we might observe such transient problems because it’s being deployed.