Problem Setting up FCCSW on lxplus [Solved: custom .bashrc]

From the mailing list:


I am new to FCCSW and also to simulation. I am following the tutorial: FCC Starterkit Lessons. I am trying to run the gaudi on lxplus. I have sourced the set up by

source /cvmfs/ Then I run echo “from Configurables import >ApplicationMgr” > and then fccrun

I don’t see the output as given by the FCC Starterkit Lessons. It gives the following error:

terminate called after throwing an instance of ‘std::filesystem::__cxx11::filesystem_error’
what(): filesystem error: status: Permission denied [/afs/>>>/x86_64-slc6-gcc47-opt/root/lib]
Aborted (core dumped)

Also where is the option file “” located? How does the command fccrun point to this file >without mentioning the path?

Thank you!

Kind regards,


it seems like your setup of the software is not successful. When I do it on lxplus it looks like this:

~$ source /cvmfs/
Setting up external dependencies from /cvmfs/
Setting up FCCSW from /cvmfs/
~$ which root

Can you confirm you get the same? For the second question, the line

echo "from Configurables import ApplicationMgr" >

creates the file See for example

Hope this helps, don’t hesitate to mail me with further questions.



The user had the following in .bashrc, which broke everything (even after exec bash --no-profile --no-rc, strangely enough`):

Removing the slc6 setup solved the issue.