I am trying to complete section 2.3.1 in the FCC Starterkit. I am able to run the preselection, but run into the following error when running the final selection.
Upon inspecting the files (finalSel.py, runDataFrameFinal.py, and ROOT.py) I am unable to determine what could be causing this issue. Any guidance on this issue is greatly appreciated.
One thing I should have mentioned is that I do not have a dataframe directory in my ZH_Zmumu directory, but the code worked for the preselection if I omitted this directory and simply ran $ python FCCeeAnalyses/ZH_Zmumu/analysis.py ~/work/Snowmass_21/mytutorial/p8_ee_WW_ecm240.root
A colleague looked at this with me, and thinks it might be due to the setup files using python 2.7 while the script requires python 3.
Dear @zalegria ,
sorry for the late reply, and please use the forum rather than the mailing list.
Indeed, this is related to python 2 versus python 3.
Could you please write here the workflow you followed?
Could you also put the result of which python
Hello @clement.helsens
My apologies for that, I will make sure to use the forum in the future. I reran the code and did not run into this issue. I am not sure what I did differently this time than before, but my sincerest apologies for the inconvenience.