This question had been answered many months ago but in a private email to Seddigheh. I realise only now that the answer had not been posted to the forum. I copy below the answer I made at the time, in case someone else is interested.
the collection ID of collection#0 of objects (such as muons#0, electrons#0, particles#0) is equal to 6 corresponds to the collection of ReconstructedParticles.
However in some generated processes in the spring2021 directory at lxplus the collection ID is equal to 7 which refers to EFlowPhoton!
That’s because the example was made using a file that did NOT have the AllMuon collection on it.
If you read the explanations :
“Branches without a pound (#) in their name: Electron (1), Muon (2), EFlowNeutralHadron (3), Particle (4), Photon (5), ReconstructedParticles (6), EFlowPhoton (7),”
and adjust them to the files with the AllMuon collection (open a TBrowser on your file), that becomes:
Electron (1), Muon (2), AllMuon (3), EFlowNeutralHadron (4), Particle (5), Photon (6), ReconstructedParticles (7), EFlowPhoton (8),"
So the link is indeed to the ReconstructedParticles collection, as it should.
Moreover, dose anyone knows what is difference between “Muon” and “AllMuon” branches in the generated root files?
Muon contains the muons that pass the isolation condition, as defined in the delphes step.
AllMuon contains all muons, isolated or not.