Problem compiling FCCSW [Solved: Non-standard setup missing system dependencies]

From the mailing list:

Dear FCCSW experts,

I am trying to compile FCCSW on our machine in Bristol, which runs CentOS7.

After successfully initialising the environment with, compiling
the software returns:

make[2]: *** No rule to make target /usr/lib64/', needed by lib/’. Stop.
make[1]: *** [Detector/DetCommon/CMakeFiles/DetCommon.dir/all] Error 2

Could you kindly help me? Am I missing some requirement?

Thank you for your help.

It seems your system is missing the package motif-devel, which is a package that the lcg releases assume is installed on the host system. The best thing is probably to ask the system administrators to install the heposlib metapackage found here: . This provides the basic setup for a “grid/lxplus-like” node. Alternatively, you can also try installing the motif-devel package yourself. Or, setup a virtual machine using - you should have the right setup there for sure.

I have installed the motif-devel package as you suggested (my SysAdmins won’t allow for the entire HEP_OSlibs to be installed), and it solved the issue. However, I now get a new failure and SEGFAULT as Geant4 can not find a file. I have attached the entire error and stack trace. Can you help me?

Our Bristol machine did not have the geant4 CVMFS folder mounted. FCCSW successfully compiled after mounting it.

Thank you very much for your help!