runs over “datasets” so what is in the yaml file is basically the dataset structure. Those datasets are created by the production system. Such merge.yaml looks like this:
where the dataset and thus process name is p8_ee_Zuds_ecm91.
So preSel is aimed at being run on this structure only and is connected to a database, see this production for example:
provided your cern user name I can grant you read access.
But if you want to run over your privately produced samples you need to link your own dictionary
in the file, just replace the procDict pointing to my directory with
where youfirstsamplename,yoursecondsamplename are the name of the output files from previous step. If you want the histograms to be properly normalised, add the number of events that run over, so the ones in the original files before any cuts. will not depend on the dictionnary as the histograms are already properly normalised.
But it’s true the rest depend on them, because we need a central place to store such common informations for proper normalisation.
One (maybe :-)) last question: since my analysis is simple, in the case I don’t manage to use the FCCAnalyses framework, may I use the standalone Delphes to process my private LHE with the command DelphesPythia8 $DELPHES_DIR/cards/delphes_card_IDEAtrkCov.tcl etc then make a private script without any prejudice wrt FCC-ee results? I would not use the EDM4HEP structures in this way.
Given the efforts you already did to work with the common samples in the EDM4Hep format, that would be unfortunate if you can’t process your analysis. The and are just helper scripts to run over common datasets, but after having run you have most likely removed the dependence wrt to EDM4Hep, thus the output can be manipulated using any custom code you prefer.
Please let us know if you encounter difficulties in processing your analysis and we can certainly help making sure it can be done within common format and tools.