Persisting the EventHeader in DelphesPythia8_EDM4HEP

Dear all,

does anybody know how to store the EventHeader (with event number, timestamp and mcweight: EDM4hep/edm4hep.yaml at 9f83a691cb7bc8a6cfc42122866c615244133bc6 · key4hep/EDM4hep · GitHub) in the output file produced by DelphesPythia8_EDM4HEP? In particular I would like to have the MC weight (in case we use generators with non-trivial weights)

Thanks, cheers,

Dear Giovanni,

that’s a good point - the EventHeader has to be added in the k4simdelphes code, I can take a look at that. In the case of pythia8 I’m guessing the weight to be saved is this one: delphes/DelphesPythia8.cpp at master · delphes/delphes · GitHub ?

Dear Valentin,
Yes, I think that’s the proper generator weight.