Permissions with FCCAnalyses sample data

I am trying to do some large sample analysis, and when going through the readme file and attempting to do some of the example analysis I get some kind of permission issue of the form:

PermissionError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: ‘/afs/’

Is there something I need to get permission for to be able to run the FCCAnalysis code that is being used or to access the sample files?

Hayden Shaddix

Dear @hshaddix ,

The error you see is normal. In the README [1] it is written that people should get in contact with me such that I can grant read access to afs and eos.


[1] FCCAnalyses/ at master · HEP-FCC/FCCAnalyses · GitHub

@clement.helsens ,

Thank you! It seems that handled the permission issue. If I have other questions I will do a separate ticket.

Hayden Shaddix