Mismatch in EOS access egroups and actual access rights?

I started to check again FCC software stack and during it decided to also request access to the EOS read access for ee, eh and hh. The first, that got approved today was the ee egroup. But interetsingly enough eospublic.cern.ch xrootd door thinks otherwise:

[eospublic.cern.ch:1094] / > ls eos/experiment/fcc/
[eospublic.cern.ch:1094] / > ls eos/experiment/fcc/ee/
[ERROR] Server responded with an error: [3010] Unable to open directory /eos/experiment/fcc/ee; Operation not permitted

[eospublic.cern.ch:1094] / > ls eos/experiment/fcc/hh
[ERROR] Server responded with an error: [3010] Unable to open directory /eos/experiment/fcc/hh; Operation not permitted

[eospublic.cern.ch:1094] / > ls eos/experiment/fcc/eh
[eospublic.cern.ch:1094] / > ls eos/experiment/fcc/eh/datasets/


Hello @mario,

Is this still a thing?
I would expect that there will be some lag between the approval and actual possibility to access the data.

All the best,

Yes, did this right now:

[mario@manivald FCCAnalyses]$ xrdfs root://eospublic.cern.ch/
[eospublic.cern.ch:1094] / > ls eos/experiment/fcc/ee
[ERROR] Server responded with an error: [3010] Unable to open directory /eos/experiment/fcc/ee; Operation not permitted

[eospublic.cern.ch:1094] / > ls eos/experiment/fcc/eh
[eospublic.cern.ch:1094] / >