In the past I had started looking at Z->ll + H->bb/cc/gg events, using the FCC EDM. Now, after migrating to EDM4HEP, I have some difficulty to understand how to perform a similar selection.
In particular, in the tuples that I was producing there was the bTags branch and in the analysers there was the selectJets routine that I could use to select b-tagged jets, plus various other functions that were useful for jet<->particle matching and jet resonance building. I can’t find anything like that in the new version of FCCAnalyses.
Is this something that can be implemented with the new EDM or should I revert to the old one for these studies?
Sorry for the inconvenience. Reverting back to the old EDM is not a solution that we would suggest as we could not provide
any support; we should really try to get your analysis in FCCAnalysis.
In principle you should be able to get all what you need using the tools available to build observables, but if there is anything
we overlooked for the EDM, there is certainly the possibility to propose new additions.
Some examples for jets and vertexes are available at
Dear Gerardo,
after some further investigation, it turns out that the information I need is actually in the tuples I am producing, but I was confused by the fact that with the default selections, jet clustering and overlap removal handling in the IDEA delphes card, I was ending up with very soft jets in the output that didn’t make much sense to me. I have updated the card to get something that looks more reasonable.I also found out how to filter jets based on their pT for instance (just use .Define(‘selected_jets’, ‘ReconstructedParticle::sel_pt(10.)(MyJets)’)
and also to check which jets are b-tagged. Now looking for how to properly combine the various info (as well as building diet resonances)
Thanks, cheers,