Lepton Identification Efficiencies


I’m working on a SUSY analysis for FCC-hh where the reconstruction of soft electrons/muons is crucial. To that end, I tried to take a look at the lepton reconstruction efficiencies in the FCC-hh DELPHES card (delphes_cards_FCChh_baseline.tgz) that is linked here:
As a side note, the github links in the DELPHES section of that page are broken.

In any case, I see that there are electron and muon tracking efficiencies in the card, but no actual identification efficiencies. The tracking efficiencies go down to 0.5 GeV and I see electrons and muons down to pT > 0.5 GeV in some random samples that I’ve looked at here:

So I guess the identification efficiencies are 100% by default right now. Is there any plan to implement realistic efficiencies in the near future or are they still being discussed somewhere? This is clearly important to understand before the central production of background samples is launched for Snowmass.

Hopefully I haven’t overlooked something obvious. Thanks in advance!


Dear @jshahini ,

there are no plans to discuss this further and if within the snowmass process such questions could be investigated it’s great!
Given the way analyses are done, I’m not worried about launching large productions, as the ID can be done later assuming different performances.


Hi @clement.helsens,

Thanks for the quick reply!

So if I understand this correctly, all analyzers will be responsible for applying these efficiencies themselves further downstream of DELPHES?

I like the flexibility that option provides and, as you say, should result in some nice studies to help benchmark the detector performance. That said, I think it would be good to at least have some nominal recommendation for various efficiencies from the FCC-hh detector experts so that people aren’t assuming wildly different performances and have some common setup for direct comparisons. This probably isn’t the right channel to discuss this, but just thought I’d throw my opinion out there.


Hi @jshahini ,

I believe this is what we should do indeed. The efficiencies will have default values in the modules but can be tuned depending on the needs. This allows to study multiple scenarios with only one delphes simulation.

Thanks again, @clement.helsens, this clears things up quite a bit for me.
