Of course.
So I followed the FCC starterkit section 2.3 pretty closely:
(2.3. FCC: Getting started with analysing simulated events — FCC Starterkit Lessons documentation)
Where you create analysis.py, finalSel.py, and plots.py. The code for them is on the website, but the main changes I’ve made to anything would be the Pythia card that is directly downloaded in part 2.2 of the tutorial.
The pythia card (called p8_noBES_ee_ZH_ecm240.cmd) looks like the following after the BSM changes:
Random:setSeed = on
Main:numberOfEvents = 10000 ! number of events to generate
Main:timesAllowErrors = 5 ! how many aborts before run stops
! 2) Settings related to output in init(), next() and stat().
Init:showChangedSettings = on ! list changed settings
Init:showChangedParticleData = off ! list changed particle data
Next:numberCount = 100 ! print message every n events
Next:numberShowInfo = 1 ! print event information n times
Next:numberShowProcess = 1 ! print process record n times
Next:numberShowEvent = 0 ! print event record n times
Beams:idA = 11 ! first beam, e+ = 11
Beams:idB = -11 ! second beam, e- = -11
! Vertex smearing :
Beams:allowVertexSpread = on
Beams:sigmaVertexX = 9.70e-3 ! 13.7 mum / sqrt2
Beams:sigmaVertexY = 25.5E-6 ! 36.1 nm / sqrt2
Beams:sigmaVertexZ = 0.64 ! 0.64 mm
! 3) Hard process : ZH at 240 GeV
Beams:eCM = 240. ! CM energy of collision
! HiggsSM:ffbar2HZ = on
! HiggsBSM:all = on
Higgs:useBSM = on
HiggsBSM:ffbar2A3H1 = on
! 4) Settings for the event generation process in the Pythia8 library.
PartonLevel:ISR = on ! initial-state radiation
PartonLevel:FSR = on ! final-state radiation
! 5) Non-standard settings; exemplifies tuning possibilities.
! 25:m0 = 125.0 ! Higgs mass
! 23:onMode = off ! switch off Z boson decays
! 23:onIfAny = 13 ! switch on Z boson decay to muons
36:m0 = 30 ! A3 mass
36:onMode = off ! Switch off A3 decays
36:onIfAny = 13 ! Switch on A3 decay to muons
So the issue is that with changing the Pythia card, and changing the pT values to not restrict anything, once your regenerate the events there is no clear way to locate the gen-level particles, only the reconstructed ones. Also, the data does not move with the mass of the particles that are colliding. The histograms do not behave expectedly if you lower the mass of the A3 particle being used here.