I am having an issue when I run my analyse_final.py
file, which is reproduced below.
I am running fccanalyses
using the older protocol (vCERN2022) from a few weeks ago to analyse FCC-hh samples from the fcc_v04 database using:
fccanalysis run analysis_stage1.py
I then do:
fccanalysis final analysis_final.py
and my error is:
[rlemmon@lxplus751 hh_bbtautau]$ fccanalysis final analysis_final.py
----> Info: Loading analyzers from libFCCAnalyses...
TUnixSystem::SetDisplay:0: RuntimeWarning: DISPLAY not set, setting it to host-2-100-222-76.as13285.net:0.0
----> Info: Loading analysis file:
----> Error: During the execution of the final stage file:
exception occurred:
Expecting value: line 2 column 1 (char 1)
[rlemmon@lxplus751 hh_bbtautau]$
Again, it is not clear to me what the problem is especially because I have commented out most of the analysis_final.py so far …
******************** analysis_final.py *************************
#Input directory where the files produced at the stage1 level are
inputDir = "output_stage1"
#Output directory where the files produced at the final-selection level are
outputDir = "final"
#Integrated luminosity for scaling number of events (required only if setting doScale to true)
#intLumi = 150e6 #pb^-1
intLumi = 30e6 #pb^-1
#Scale event yields by intLumi and cross section (optional)
doScale = True
#Save event yields in a table (optional)
#saveTabular = True
processList = {
#run over the full statistics from stage1
# 'mgp8_pp_bbtata_QED':{},
# 'mgp8_pp_bbtata_QCDQED':{},
# 'mgp8_pp_tt012j_5f':{},
#Link to the dictonary that contains all the cross section information etc...
procDict = "FCChh_procDict_fcc_v04.json"
#Number of CPUs to use
nCPUS = 2
#produces ROOT TTrees, default is False
doTree = False
###Dictionnay of the list of cuts. The key is the name of the selection that will be added to the output file
cutList = {
# "sel0":"seljet_pT.size()>6",
###Dictionary for prettier names of cuts (optional)
#cutLabels = {
# "sel0": "At least 7 jets with pT$>$50 GeV",
###Optinally Define new variables
#defineList = {"seljet_pT_0":"seljet_pT.at(0)",
# "seljet_pT_1":"seljet_pT.at(1)",
# "seljet_pT_2":"seljet_pT.at(2)",
# "seljet_pT_3":"seljet_pT.at(3)",
# "seljet_pT_4":"seljet_pT.at(4)",
# "seljet_pT_5":"seljet_pT.at(5)"}
###Dictionary for the ouput variable/hitograms. The key is the name of the variable in the output files. "name" is the name of the variable in the input file, "title" is the x-axis label of the histogram, "bin" the number of bins of the histogram, "xmin" the minimum x-axis value and "xmax" the maximum x-axis value.
histoList = {
# "jet_pt_0":{"name":"seljet_pT_0","title":"Leading jet p_{T} [GeV]","bin":100,"xmin":0,"xmax":4000},
# "jet_pt_1":{"name":"seljet_pT_1","title":"Sub leading jet p_{T} [GeV]","bin":100,"xmin":0,"xmax":4000},
# "jet_pt_2":{"name":"seljet_pT_2","title":"3rd jet p_{T} [GeV]","bin":100,"xmin":0,"xmax":4000},
# "jet_pt_3":{"name":"seljet_pT_3","title":"4th jet p_{T} [GeV]","bin":100,"xmin":0,"xmax":4000},
# "jet_pt_4":{"name":"seljet_pT_4","title":"5th jet p_{T} [GeV]","bin":100,"xmin":0,"xmax":4000},
# "jet_pt_5":{"name":"seljet_pT_5","title":"6th jet p_{T} [GeV]","bin":100,"xmin":0,"xmax":4000},