Hi Hayden,
The general answer is that you should indeed implement a new function that calculates the quantity you are interested in. You can take a look at the short paragraph “Code development” here:
which gives a few indications.
You can also look at example functions that already exist in analyzers/dataframe/MCParticle.cc. If you need to navigate through the history of the MC event, e.g. to check the parent of the muons, you can take a look at:
In some particular cases, for example if your MC file always contains only one mu+ and only one mu-, that come from the a3 decay, you could get your deltaR without having to code anything, for example:
.Define("stable", "MCParticle::sel_genStatus(1) ( Particle )")
.Define("Muminus", "MCParticle::sel_pdgID( 13, false) ( stable )")
.Define("Muplus", "MCParticle::sel_pdgID( -13, false) ( stable )")
.Define("Muminus_tlv", "MCParticle::get_tlv( Muminus ) ")
.Define("Muplus_tlv", "MCParticle::get_tlv( Muplus ) ")
.Define("deltaR", "return Muminus_tlv[0].DeltaR( Muplus_tlv[0] ) ; ")
and then you add “deltaR” to the list of output branches. If you want to protect yourself against cases where no muon was retrieved, you can do e.g.:
.Define("deltaR", " if ( Muminus_tlv.size() > 0 && Muplus_tlv.size() > 0) return Muminus_tlv[0].DeltaR( Muplus_tlv[0] ) ; else return -9999. ; ")
but as you see, this easily gets clumsy and C++ code may be better.