Hi everyone
I’m working on the IDEA Vertex detector geometry and am trying to simulate it in full sim using ddsim and the CLICPerformance repo (FCCee-cld branch of @vavolkl ).
I’ve managed to get it running for the CLD detector description rom LCGEO in the following way:
source /cvmfs/sw-nightlies.hsf.org/key4hep/setup.sh
ddsim --compactFile ${LCGEO}/FCCee/compact/FCCee_o2_v01/FCCee_o2_v01.xml --outputFile ttbar.slcio --steeringFile fcc_steer.py --enableGun --gun.energy 10*GeV --gun.particle mu- --gun.distribution uniform --numberOfEvents 1000
k4run fccReconstruction.py -n 1000
This enables me to look e.g at the Z0 resolution by accessing the histograms.root file:
root histograms.root --web=off
TProfile* prof = new TProfile(“prof”,“prof”, 9,0,90,-1000,1000)
perfTree->Draw(“recoZ0*1000:90-TMath::Abs(trueTheta-90) >> prof”)
So far so good.
I now want to run the same thing, but using the CLD description in FCCDetectors, which does not work. I get the following error when trying to run “k4run fccReconstruction.py -n 1000” (see also log_FCCDetectors_slcio.log):
VXDBarrelDigitiser FATAL Standard std::exception is caught
VXDBarrelDigitiser ERROR ObjectExtensions::extension: The object has no extension of type AACD2D795D870AB9.
EventLoopMgr ERROR Unable to initialize Algorithm: VXDBarrelDigitiser
ServiceManager ERROR Unable to initialize Service: EventLoopMgr
ApplicationMgr ERROR Application Manager Terminated with error code 1
Do you have an idea on what the issue could be?
Furthermore, when I try to do the same thing as above but with edm4hep, then I cannot access the histogram.root file and not get Z0 resolution:
ddsim --compactFile $LCGEO/FCCee/compact/FCCee_o2_v01/FCCee_o2_v01.xml --outputFile ttbar_edm4hep.root --steeringFile fcc_steer.py --enableGun --gun.energy 10*GeV --gun.particle mu- --gun.distribution uniform --numberOfEvents 1000
k4run fccRec_e4h_input.py --EventDataSvc.input ttbar_edm4hep.root
The only error I see is “[ ERROR “MyTrackChecker”] Collection MCParticle is unavailable”, details in log_fccRec_e4h_input.log attachment.
Am I doing something wrong here or are these two functionalities not supposed to work?
Thank you very much for your help and kind regards,
P.S: Already sent this question privately to @vavolkl, but here it could be useful for others as well.