FCCAnalysis sourcing setup.sh

Dear all,
Since today, I cannot source FCCAnalysis:

/cvmfs/fcc.cern.ch/sw/latest/setup.sh:export:4: not valid in this context: key4hep-stack/2022-05-21
/usr/bin/python: No module named awkward

While until last Friday (May 20, 2022) it worked fine, probably using:

[fmalek@lxplus754]~/public/fcc/FCCAnalyses% source setup.sh

Setting up the latest Key4HEP software stack from CVMFS …

… Key4HEP release: key4hep-stack/2021-11-26
Please advise

Dear @fmalek,

I just tried from the latest master branch and it works fine:

[helsens@lxplus717]:~/FCCsoft/HEP-FCC/FCCAnalyses$ source ./setup.sh 
Setting up the latest Key4HEP software stack from CVMFS ...
 ...  Key4HEP release: key4hep-stack/2022-05-21
 ... Use the following command to reproduce the current environment: 
         source /cvmfs/sw.hsf.org/spackages5/key4hep-stack/2022-05-21/x86_64-centos7-gcc11.2.0-opt/7c3ak/setup.sh
 ... done. 

I guess you might need to pull all the recent changes.

Dear @fmalek ,

does this solve your issue? (such that we can either make progress or close this ticket)


Hello Clément,
I did not want to pull the last version of the software as my student (inintership) is using it as is. Also as I don’t want to meet other issues that wil stop the work, I prefered to replace it with april version; It is working fine with the previous vesions.
Thank you