An update was made to the FCCAnalyses package yesterday that added in the command ‘fccanalysis run’ but when running either ‘source /cvmfs/’ or by running the updated file, the fccanalysis run command is not found in the source package.
Is this an issue with the source package not being updated yet or is there another package I need to be sourcing to be able to run the new changes made?
Hayden Shaddix
Dear @hshaddix ,
you are right, the update was done in the repository but it is not yet deployed.
in addition I have found an issue that I fixed together with adding more options. I hope by tomorrow I should be done.
Are you using the code from cvmfs or from your local build?
Sorry for this, we tried to add some more functionalities for the fcc week but it seems we are slightly inconsistent at the moment.
Dr. @clement.helsens ,
I typically just use the source command I mentioned so it is just the cvmfs code. Do you know when it should be expected to be changed? No worries about it not being quite finished yet, I just wanted to make sure there was not error on my part I was missing.
Hayden Shaddix
Dear @hshaddix ,
all the changes mentionned should be accessible from the nightly build now.
Please let me know if you encounter any issues.