When I follow and run the procedure in the FCCanalysis tutorial to generate and simulate events with DelphesEDM4Hep everything works properly and I can produce the root file.
For my study, I am going to produce a root file with SUSY processes in EDM4hep as an input file for FCCAnalysis. The SUSY processes that I want to use are “SUSY:gg2squarkantisquark” and " SUSY:qqbar2squarkantisquark" in the Pythia card. However, when I compile the “DelphesPythia8_EDM4HEP” command I faced the following errors:
PYTHIA Error in StringFragmentation::fragment: stuck in joining
PYTHIA Error in Pythia::next: hadronLevel failed; try again
PYTHIA Abort from Pythia::next: parton+hadronLevel failed; giving up
*** Break *** segmentation violation
The Pythia card that I use is:
Random:setSeed = on
Main:numberOfEvents = 1000 ! number of events to generate
Main:timesAllowErrors = 5 ! how many aborts before run stops
! 2) Settings related to output in init(), next() and stat().
Init:showChangedSettings = on ! list changed settings
Init:showChangedParticleData = off ! list changed particle data
Next:numberCount = 100 ! print message every n events
Next:numberShowInfo = 1 ! print event information n times
Next:numberShowProcess = 1 ! print process record n times
Next:numberShowEvent = 0 ! print event record n times
! 3) Beam parameter settings. Values below agree with default ones.
Beams:idA = 2212 ! first beam, p = 2212, pbar = -2212
Beams:idB = 2212 ! second beam, p = 2212, pbar = -2212
Beams:eCM = 100000 ! CM energy of collision
! 4) Read SLHA spectrum (a few examples are provided by default)
SLHA:file = SPheno.spc
#SLHA:useDecayTable = on
! 5) Process selection
SUSY:qqbar2squarkantisquark = on
! 6) Settings for the event generation process in the Pythia8 library.#
PartonLevel:MPI = on ! no multiparton interactions
PartonLevel:ISR = on ! no initial-state radiation
PartonLevel:FSR = on ! no final-state radiation
HadronLevel:Hadronize = on ! no hadronization
The Delphes card is “FCChh.tcl” and the command line to run is " DelphesPythia8_EDM4HEP FCChh.tcl edm4hep_IDEA.tcl Pythia-Stop_pair-production.cmd Stop_Process.root "
Could you please guide me on how I can resolve this problem? Many thanks in advance.
Best regards,