Error with FCCSW software stack


I am trying to run the tutorial again. From a previous post a few days ago I found that the latest software stack has an error and I should go back to an older version using the command:

source /cvmfs/

However when I do this I have the following problem:

[rlemmon@lxplus718 mytutorial]$ python p8_ee_ZH_ecm240.root $TESTSAMPLEDIR/p8_ee_ZH_ecm240_edm4hep.root
Load cxx analyzers …
edm4hep <cppyy.gbl.edm4hep.ReconstructedParticleData object at 0x5cabb40>
podio <cppyy.gbl.podio.ObjectID object at 0x5cbab80>
fccana <C++ overload “dummyLoader” at 0x7f6bbcb14590>
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “”, line 80, in
File “”, line 34, in run
.Alias(“Muon0”, “Muon#0.index”)
cppyy.gbl.std.runtime_error: ROOT::RDF::RInterfaceROOT::Detail::RDF::RLoopManager,void ROOT::RDF::RInterfaceROOT::Detail::RDF::RLoopManager,void::Alias(basic_string_view<char,char_traits > alias, basic_string_view<char,char_traits > columnName) =>
runtime_error: GetBranchNames: error in opening the tree events
[rlemmon@lxplus718 mytutorial]$

Is there a way round this ? Or is there a way to run the latest software stack ?

Roy (Lemmon)

Hi Roy,

yes, there were quite some changes that broke backwards compatibility in the latest release and the tutorials were already adapted to those, so it is expected that it doesn’t work with an older release. The way around is to either build fccanalyses yourself, or even simpler, use the nightly builds for the moments

source /cvmfs/

which already include fccanalyses again.

Hi Valentin,

Thanks very much. Sourcing the nightly builds worked for now. However, I will have to build fccanalyses myself eventually I guess.
