I am now trying to run the new tutorial using histmaker. The samples are located in ./localSamples/
However I have a not obvious error see below.
[rlemmon@lxplus764 tutorial]$ fccanalysis run histmaker_recoil.py
----> Info: Loading analyzers from libFCCAnalyses...
TUnixSystem::SetDisplay:0: RuntimeWarning: DISPLAY not set, setting it to host-2-100-222-76.as13285.net:0.0
----> Info: Loading analysis file:
The variable <outputDirEos> is optional in your analysis.py file, return default empty string
The variable <runBatch> is optional in your analysis.py file, return default value False
----> Running process p8_ee_WW_mumu_ecm240 with fraction=1, output=p8_ee_WW_mumu_ecm240, chunks=1
----> Running Locally
----> Create dataframe object from files:
----> nevents original=0 local=10000
The variable <geometryFile> is optional in your analysis.py file, return default value empty string
The variable <readoutName> is optional in your analysis.py file, return default value empty string
----> Error: During the execution of the stage file:
exception occurred:
void ROOT::EnableImplicitMT(unsigned int numthreads = 0) =>
ValueError: could not convert argument 1 (can't convert negative value to unsigned long)
[rlemmon@lxplus764 tutorial]$ ls
Hi Roy,
Based on the error I assume that you don’t have the latest FCCAnalyses code. Can you pull the recent changes, recompile, and try again?
Hi Jan,
In fact initially I was simply using the general command:
source /cvmfs/sw.hsf.org/key4hep/setup.sh
and then running:
fccanalysis run histmaker_recoil.py
without pulling and recompiling a local version of the FCCAnalyses code. This default worked on the previous cern2022 version.
As soon as I have pulled the latest FCCAnalyses code from GitHub and recompiled, everything seems to work. I should have realised this before so thank you very much for pointing it out to me.
There does seem to be an error with the plotting of cutFlow though. See below.
But since most of the plots are there, I guess things more or less work ! Thank you.
[rlemmon@lxplus750 tutorial]$ fccanalysis plots plots_recoil.py
----> Info: Loading analyzers from libFCCAnalyses…
TUnixSystem::SetDisplay:0: RuntimeWarning: DISPLAY not set, setting it to host-2-100-222-76.as13285.net:0.0
----> Info: Loading analysis file:
get histograms for zmumu_recoil_m
scaleSig 1
no legCoord, using default one…
no customLable, using nothing…
get histograms for zmumu_p
scaleSig 1
no legCoord, using default one…
no customLable, using nothing…
get histograms for zmumu_m
scaleSig 1
no legCoord, using default one…
no customLable, using nothing…
get histograms for cosThetaMiss_cut4
scaleSig 1
no legCoord, using default one…
no customLable, using nothing…
get histograms for cutFlow
scaleSig 10
no legCoord, using default one…
no customLable, using nothing…
----> Error: During the execution of the plots file:
exception occurred:
attempt to access a null-pointer
[rlemmon@lxplus750 tutorial]$
Hi Roy,
I also discovered this plotting bug this morning, I’m working on a fix in the plotting tools. For now, it works when you set the “stack”: True, for all plots.