I am currently working on Full Simulation and have generated ee-->WW-->munumunu events. I would like to verify the truth information to ensure that the W bosons have decayed correctly into muon-neutrino pairs.
In the past, I used the Particle collection and Particle#1 to obtain the daughters’ information. However, in my recent simulations, these collections are absent in the ROOT file after reconstruction. I believe this change is due to an update in the edm4hep version. I can still find the MCParticle collection.
The simulated events are located here: /eos/experiment/fcc/ee/analyses_storage/Higgs_and_TOP/HiggsInvisible/lia/generation/FullSimulation/CLD_reco/wzp6_ee_WW_munumunu_ecm240
Could you please guide me on which branch or collection now contains the daughter particles’ information similar to the previous Particle collection?
The # symbols were removed at some point from podio/EDM4hep to make the branches more easily readable. The Particle#1 should be equivalent to _MCParticles_daughters or _MCParticles_daughters.index.
Also, can you point me to the analyzer you are using?
I believe I should be using MCParticles for the function HiggsTools::gen_decay_list as the second input parameter, but I am still confused as to why status2 is not working.
I believe that if you use status2 column in the HiggsTools::gen_sel_pdgIDInt()() the column Wm_MC will contain indexes in the status2 collection not in MCParticles collection.