The second one points to the development version and seems to work for me on lxplus:
lxplus763:~ $ source /cvmfs/
Setting up the latest Key4HEP software stack from CVMFS ...
... Key4HEP release: key4hep-stack/master-2022-02-24
... Use the following command to reproduce the current environment:
source /cvmfs/
... done.
On which nodes/machines are you trying? Could you make sure that the cvmfs repositories are up and working? (Just do an ls on the top level, e.g. ls /cvmfs/ and ls /cvmfs/
Both source packages give me an error when running my file, the output is:
Load cxx analyzers …
cling::DynamicLibraryManager::loadLibrary(): cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “”, line 15, in
_fcc = ROOT.dummyLoader
File “/cvmfs/”, line 192, in _fallback_getattr
raise AttributeError(“Failed to get attribute {} from ROOT”.format(name))
AttributeError: Failed to get attribute dummyLoader from ROOT